Is Baking Soda Good for Acne and Skin | We Asked Experts

Is Baking Soda Good for Acne? We Asked Experts

Introduction to Baking Soda

Have you ever gazed at the mirror, spotting an unexpected pimple? Acne, an age-old skin dilemma, has affected almost all of us at some point in our lives. But here's the thing: acne treatments abound. From expensive creams to DIY remedies, the choices are plenty. One such home remedy gaining traction is baking soda. But is it effective?

What is Baking Soda?

Baking soda, scientifically termed as sodium bicarbonate, is a white crystalline powder. It's primarily known for its role in baking, aiding dough to rise. But beyond the oven, it's touted for numerous other uses, from cleaning to odor removal. And lately, as a skincare savior.

How Does Baking Soda Affect the Skin?

PH Balance:

Our skin has a natural pH balance, maintaining its health and barrier functions. Baking soda, being alkaline, can disrupt this balance when applied directly.

Exfoliation Properties:

Its granular texture makes it a natural exfoliant, potentially helping in unclogging pores.

Baking Soda Good for Acne

Pros of Using Baking Soda for Acne

Affordable Treatment:

Baking soda is pocket-friendly. No need to spend big bucks on fancy products.

Immediate Availability:

Got baking soda in your pantry? Then you're set!

Mild Exfoliation:

Its grainy texture might help in sloughing off dead skin cells.

Cons of Using Baking Soda for Acne

Alters Skin's pH Level:

Remember the pH balance? Using baking soda can swing it to the alkaline side, potentially causing harm.

Can Cause Irritation:

Especially for those with sensitive skin, baking soda can be abrasive.

Baking Soda Good for Acne

Expert Opinions on Baking Soda for Acne

Dermatologists' Take:

Most skin experts advise caution. While baking soda might offer temporary relief, the long-term impacts can be detrimental.

Anecdotal Experiences:

While some swear by its effectiveness, others lament over exacerbated skin issues post-use.

Alternative Natural Acne Remedies

If baking soda sounds dicey, fear not! There are other natural remedies to consider:

Tea Tree Oil:

Known for its antimicrobial properties, it can target acne-causing bacteria.

Aloe Vera:

With its soothing effects, it can calm inflamed skin.

Is baking soda okay for skin

Precautions When Using Baking Soda on the Skin

If you're still leaning towards giving it a shot, remember:

Patch Testing:

Always test on a small skin area first.

Limit Frequency:

Don't use it daily. Once a week is more than enough.

How to Use Baking Soda for Acne (If You Still Want To)

DIY Mask Recipe:

Mix equal parts of baking soda and water. Apply, let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse.

Application Tips:

Always moisturize post-application to counteract potential dryness.

Precautions When Using Baking Soda on the Skin


Navigating the world of acne remedies can be a minefield. While baking soda offers a cheap, accessible solution, its potential side effects cannot be overlooked. Always consult with a dermatologist before venturing into new treatments. And remember, your skin is unique; what works for one might not work for another.


1.      Is baking soda safe for all skin types?

·         Not necessarily. Those with sensitive skin should be especially cautious.

2.      How often should I apply a baking soda mask for acne?

·         If you choose to use it, limit to once a week.

3.      Can I mix baking soda with other ingredients for a face mask?

·         While possible, always do a patch test first.

4.      Are there any long-term effects of using baking soda on the skin?

·         Prolonged use can disrupt the skin's pH balance, leading to potential issues.

5.      Is there a recommended brand of baking soda for skincare?

·         No specific brands, but ensure it's pure baking soda without additives.


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Is baking soda good for acne? We asked experts, Is baking soda okay for acne?, Do dermatologists recommend baking soda?, Is it OK to use baking soda on face?, How to remove acne?,

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